Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm 1 Year Old!!!

We just had a small family birthday for Cole for his 1st birthday. When it came time to have his cupcake, he was more interested in snuffing out the candle with his chubby little hand and that is exactly what he did. Before any of us knew his plans he reached out like lightning and snuffed it out! He was curious about the frosting and wasn't hesitant to stick his mits it. He wasn't too interested in the eating it part. Daddy thought he should definitely partake in the cupcake eating and gave him a piece the size of Cole's head. I watched from the other side with the video camera as it all unfolded in slow motion. I saw the gag reflex take action and Cole throw up his dinner. It wouldn't have been right without Cole gagging and losing his dinner. A little puking doesn't slow this family down, we picked right up and kept moving on with the birthday.

On a serious not though, we stand in awe that we were blessed to celebrate Cole's 1 Year Birthday. 2008 was a long emotional year and we couldn't have done it without all your prayers and support and love. We love all of you and thank you from our hearts for everything!

Laura and Matt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can you believe it's been a year? wanna try to get together soon? - cara