Laura and I just visited Cole for the first time, and he looked great. After all, he looks like his daddy, right? However, he is still fighting some pretty serious obstacles.
First of all, his blood pressure is very low, so they are medicating him to try to bring his BP up to normal levels. Low blood pressure can cause some serious issues when recovering from surgery.
The second issue is that he is running a temperature of about 101. They have ice packed behind his head and in his diaper (sorry buddy!) to bring his temperature down. I guess he won't need that wheelbarrow anymore for those watermelons he is used to carrying around.
Another issue is that there is more discharge (ie...blood) draining out of his chest than they like. They have not given him any blood yet, but have some ready if he needs it.
Last but not least, they have given Cole some "paralytics" to keep him sedated and still because even though he is on a ventilator (breathing machine), he is breathing on his own over the top of it. In a way, that is great because it means that he is fighting, but until everything is where it needs to be, he needs to remain still and let the machine breathe for him.
Some of the terms we have heard are:
"he's doing O-KAY, but not great"
"we have had to intervene a LOT"
"he might have been coming down with a cold before his surgery because we have had to drain a lot of mucus out of his lungs"
"we need to get him where his heart can function on its own and right now WE ARE NOT CLOSE to that"
There are others, but suffice to say that he/we still need your prayers! Just because he made it through the surgery does not mean that the recovery is without risks. He is only halfway through the battle and it is tough to celebrate winning the first half when you don't know what the second half involves.
*WARNING: the picture below is disturbing and shows what a child recovering from heart surgery looks like. If you are easily offended or have a weak stomach, please do not scroll down. Laura and I want to document the good and the bad and have done that all along, so if you are interested in the "real world" of all of this, this is what it looks like.

Praying so hard for sweet Cole!
Love, Ashley Gordon
We are fervently praying for you and your family right now.
Lucia and Ron
We are praying for Cole's speedy recovery! Letus know if you need anything at all.
In Christ,
Zack & Summer Williams
I can't even begin to imagine how you are feeling right now. But I couldn't read your blog and not comment. As a mummy of three kids, the youngest nearly four, my heart hurt when I saw your photo, and I just wanted to say you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sending you love and light, and hope. Regards
Vicky x
Praying for Cole and your family!
Cathie Sherer
Thanks to all of ya'll for posting encouraging words and also a big THANK YOU to everyone who prayed (but did not post it). Cole is doing MUCH better this morning and mommy is about to write a blog entry with an update.
God Bless this precious boy, Cole!Our hearts and prayers are there with all of you. Love, Edie & Lynn
I just found out what you have been going through...I cannot even fathom what your days/nights are like. Please know that you and your family will be covered in prayers from our family. May God be with you all.
Love, The Guy's
Jonathan, Angie, Reagan, Colsen & Sela
TO the Guy Fam and Edie & Lynn:
Thank you are prayer warriors and if I was picking sides in a spiritual fight, ya'll would be high draft picks.
We are so blessed to have family like ya'll in our corner.
Thanks again!
Matt and Laura
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