We have had quite a few people run into us or contact us to ask why we haven't kept up with the updates and we just figured nobody was even visiting the blog anymore. Now that we know differently we won't be so slack to get back here.
Lets see, since January..................
We were not planning on quarantining everyone again, but than H1N1 came along and even then we didn't take it seriously until healthy strong hearted children without oxygen issues started dying and we thought maybe we should take this a little more serious and pull Cole out of school, church, etc. So everyone was home again from October to March. The season officially ends around May but we felt comfortable enough and the hospitals started letting children back into the hospitals in March. Not that they weren't taking children the whole time. The healthy ones are like petri dishes and they didn't need any extra carrier monkeys bringing anything with them into the hospitals.
So, Spring, I ventured outside trying to get the hang of three and how to walk with three (which was Cole and Lila in the double stroller and after a block or two Ava not wanting to walk anymore and finding a spot she could squish into, half covering Cole and half covering Lila)and me trying to push them all like that, or grocery shop( which left little space for groceries, so I piled them on top of Ava and Cole and below the cart), or learning to do pretty much anything with three.
Summer I think came in the Spring for us. It seems like it's been hot since March. The heat has kept us in most of the summer and made a very non-creative mom try being creative which usually started and ended very quickly because Cole would eat anything in front of him and whatever he didn't eat he dropped and Lila would come along and take care of it for him. So summer has been a blur of heart racing until I thought I'd pass out from the items that have made it into the mouths of babes that they gagged and tried to choke on.
Toy Story 2 with Zurg, and Tom and Jerry have become favorites this summer and Cole calls them Thomas and G. When summer has not been a blur of small children finding things to choke on the other blur is Cole everywhere he goes or whatever he does.
This picture sums up Cole being two........
His form of communication is screaming like a chimp, hitting, or kicking. He is classic terrible twos. We hear a lot of "No sir" from Ava and a lot of crying from Lila The Tank Griffin. Cole doesn't even have to be told anymore to go in timeout. He goes in right after he does something even if we weren't going to send him. He spends his two minutes telling me he's sorry to Lila or Ava. He thinks time out will end early if he starts in on apologies immediately.
We won't go into details but we have had a busy summer when I look back at pictures. Fort Mill Strawberry Festival, the annual family beach trip in May, baby pools in the yard, rainbow sprinkler in the yare, and big swimming pools with me and three who don't know how to swim(Jesus, Mary and Joseph!)
popsicles, ice cream cones, Spraygrounds, Spraygrounds and more Spraygrounds (which you will not see Cole in because he was not a fan of the sprayground, driving to New York City for 4th of July (yes, with all three gremlins)and the mother of all Spraygrounds in Central Park, and Lila's one year birthday!
We visited Cole's cardiologist in July and they told us we had to wait to get in with the new dr. who starts Sept. 1st, who preforms the heart catheterizations. We have an appt. just to meet him Sept. 7th. The heart cath. will be scheduled some time after that and then Cole's third heart surgery will be scheduled some time after that.