On Monday, Laura and I took Cole to see his Cardiologist, Dr. Bensky. Everything is looking great according to the Doc - color, size, etc.
His current weight is 11 lbs, 11 ozs. Dr. Bensky commented that he has gained approximately 1 pound per week since he has been at home which has put us on the "fast track" to his second surgery. Initially, we were told that his second surgery would be when Cole was 6-8 months old and the new estimates are that he could be ready as soon as the end of April. This is good news for Cole because it means that he is growing and getting stronger more quickly then they had thought and the bigger and stronger he is, the better he can handle the second surgery and recovery. However, it is not as good for Mommy and Daddy who are still paying hospital bills from "surgery uno."
At this rate, we should have most of the bills paid by the time he enters college. Cole is like Texas....everything is bigger in Texas....his size, his hospital bills, his eating, and his "unusually large phallic." We are now considering ammending his current nickname, "Hoss," into "Hoss Texas Ranger." Any and all feedback appreciated.
Well, Ava is waiting for us to "play in her closet" so we are gonna run for now. God Bless.
Matt and Laura