Friday, October 8, 2010

Thoughts of a Two Year Old Cole In Hospital

September 22, 2010 seems like it was 6 months ago. There were so many things Cole said in his sweet two year old voice that we wanted to remember because it was his perspective on his time in the hospital.

Someone was visiting and asked where Ava and "Yieya" were.
"I can't find them"

About his chest tubes as he held them up to me by the bulbs.
"Dis right dare hoowt me"

Cole said this to a student nurse that had come in to his room two days in a row.
"Dat da monsta right dare." and pointed at her. Thankfully her back was to us in the room.

After another sleepless night on into 2, 3, 4 a.m. of trying to calm him down from someone coming in to do vitals or drain chest tube bulbs or draw blood, he didn't even want me to be at his bedside to try comforting him and he said "You go over dare mom," "Go Away." and pointed to my sleeping area.

There were nights I would lay on my side balanced on the side rail that had been lowered and a piece of his mattress because it was the only way he would calm down and other times he wanted me to go home.

Whenever Cole needed help throughout the night after he had gotten stuck in a certain position because he couldn't use his arms to push up or his chest tubes had gotten wound around him and pulled at the stitches connected to his skin "Help Mom."

I'm sure I will think of more as time goes by. It's so hard to pull thoughts together right now.

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