Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mama's Boy Delight

Hello all - this is Cole's daddy, Matt, re-entering the role of "substitute author" for this blog. For those of you who have followed this blog since the beginning, you might remember me. For those who have not, hopefully my take on things will provide a bit of a change-up from Mommy.

As we were putting Cole to bed tonight, he was sitting on Laura's lap getting ready to hear a great rendition of "Puff the Magic Dragon." When I crouched down beside him and asked if we could pray for him he said "no....get out" while pointing me to the nearest exit. He continued "get out daddy, I sleeping." Then we all enjoyed a laugh and I listened, lest he turn into a chimp and start hollering.

Here I was hoping for this magical moment where I would lead us in a powerful prayer that would rattle Heaven, and instead I get bossed around by a blond headed baby boy. Every time I have something mapped out in my head how it "should" go, it never goes that way and this was just another instance.

No real point to that story, but it just struck me as funny that Cole is in good spirits the night before he faces the biggest challenge of his young life.

Of course, we will send along any new updates tomorrow.

God Bless and goodnight!

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